The Art of Drawing and Painting in Water-Color
Autor | Peele, John ; Boyle, Robert ; |
Titel | The Art of Drawing and Painting in Water-Color |
Untertitel | Whereby a stranger to those arts may be immediately render'd capable of delineating any view or prospect with the utmost exactness ; of colouring any print or drawing ... and of taking off medals instantly ... intermix'd with several curious receipts for the use of painters, statuaries, founders, &c. With instructions for making transparent colours of every sort ; partly from some curious personages in Holland, France, and Italy ; but chiefly from a manuscript of the great Mr. Boyle ; particularly a receipt ... for making a blue color equal to ultramarine. |
Publikationsjahr | 1732 |
Publikationsort | London |
Verlag/Herausgeber | |
Illustrationen | Nein |
Beschreibung |
Peele übernimmt die wissenschaftlichen Überlegungen von Boyle, gibt Anweisungen zur Wasserfarbenmalerei und illustriert sie mit Abbildungen von Werkzeugen ( Palette, Pinsel und Staffelei ). |
Ausgaben | 2. Ausgabe 1735 |
Weitere Ausgaben | |
Bezug zu anderen Quellen | |
Referenzen | Berger 1901, Fulton 1961, Harley 1970, Bordini 1991, Hofenk de Graaff 2004, Zindel 2010 |
Verfasser | Zindel 2010, FM |
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